
Dear Lazyweb: gweather icons?

Like most pilots, I’m a weather junkie. I need a regular weather fix even if I’m stuck indoors and not flying. GNOME’s Weather Report panel applet (gweather-applet, technically) is a great fast fix if all I need to know is “Is it raining at the airport right now?”

GNOME Weather Report

Aside from fantastic customisability, gweather has really cool icons for seemingly every combination of weather conditions. I’d love to use some of these icons in my own work (as per whatever license they’re under, of course!) but I can’t seem to find them on my /system files. There must be some way to coax this information out of my system (Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron) but my commandline-fu is weak in this.

So, anyone know where gweather tucks it’s icons away?


%$#@*# Wireless

Today’s lesson: wireless involving old, cheap, slow routers is a waste of time.

In fact, such wireless networks are the reason Cat5 exists in 75ft lengths.

Getting old and crappy routers actually routing is for those who can’t string nice blue cable…




Still Short Of Flying Cars

The Future(tm) continues to arrive in strange ways…

NASA finds water on Mars… and announces the news through the robot’s Twitter feed. Awesome, on lots of levels!