
Do Not Covet Your Ideas

Flickr user lemasney gets the open source/Creative Commons thing.

Do not covet your ideas
(CC-BY-SA Licensed)

Done in Inkscape, naturally.


You Are Not Stuck In Traffic…

We say we are “in” traffic, dramatising ourselves as a lone vehicle of noble and rational intent, with a sea of malevolent, deadweight antagonists stretching endlessly fore and aft. It was in a bid to highlight the flaws in this position that a German transport campaign erected roadside boards reading: “You are not stuck in traffic – you are traffic.”

An otherwise quite ordinary Guardian Comment is Free column on the latest Chinese super-traffic-jam points out something I’ve blogged before: the exceptionalism of insulated, protected, self-absorbed car drivers.

We’re all traffic. Traffic is never “them”, it’s “us”, and that bears repeating in the (faint) hope it might eventually stick.


Long Time, No Blog

Gah, almost two months since I last blogged.

Here, have a couple of pictures of shiny things to tide you over while I think of something to say…

Toothy Thing
Super Deluxe V8


Night Lights

Fisgard Lighthouse
Fort Rodd Fireworks VIII

The Canadian Navy just celebrated 100 years of existance, and here in Victoria we lit things on fire, shone lights around, and blew stuff up. The usual.

Slightly more seriously, there was an excellent 15 minute long firework display, and as I’d volunteered with a local group to work with the lanterns and light art that was part of the display, about fifteen of us got the best seats in the city for the fireworks, right out on Fisgard Island.

More on my Flickr set. My little camera does surprisingly good night & firework shots, actually.