It’s taking me longer to go through the photos from the trip than the trip itself took. I apparently shot 90+ photos per day (about 680 in a week!), and poking through them a bit at a time pads the return to reality a bit, at least.
Author: Brian Burger
Started this site way, way back in November 1998, when the web was young. It's still here, and so am I.
Updates, Lucid, Oahu, Etc
Haven’t blogged in over a month – so much for regular updates and such. Oh well.
New version of Ubuntu is out, haven’t upgraded yet due to lack of hard drive space – still haven’t done the warranty RMA on my big, but glitched, 500GB drive. Maybe next week. I have played with Lucid on my brother’s machine – WTF is the thinking behind the wandering window control buttons? I stopped playing with Ubuntu/GNOME themes several releases ago – the defaults worked fine and looked OK – but wandering window buttons are irritatingly stupid, especially on an LTS release. Reverting to the older, saner (browner…) theme will have to be the first thing I do once I do move up to 10.04.
I already get rid of the multi-user-switcher thing and the seperate power-management widget as useless panel clutter on this single-user desktop machine; possibly my perferences for the ideal Ubuntu appearance fossilized several releases ago?
In more personal, cooler news, just got back from a week in Hawai’i. Never been before, and I loved Oahu, despite Honolulu’s traffic! I’m still going through several hundred photos, but here’s a few favourites from the first couple of days of the trip!
8-Bit NYC. This is why you open data, so that people can do very strange & awesome things with it.
Snow (1963). Trains, an English winter, and some experimental filmmaking. Very neat.
Imperial Leftovers
The survival into the modern era of random bits of the colonial/imperial era has always interested me.
Bagpipes are also kind of cool. When outdoors.
Thus, The Bagpipes of Palestine from the BBC. Amazing what survives against long odds, isn’t it?