
They Like Winter…

Via the excellent Shorpy’s, who in turn harvested it from the incredible U.S. Library of Congress Work Projects Administration Poster Collection, into my favourite Open Source project of all time, Inkscape (with a small detour through the GIMP), and dedicated especially to my father & stepmother (who appear to actually like winter…), and secondarily to all the rest of you for this holiday season, a bit of art:

Have a look at the SVG version, which will be going up on the Open Clipart Library after Christmas when I have a bit more spare time. This sort of print lends itself incredibly well to being converted to SVG. I’ll probably put both my cropped version and an SVG of the full poster up on OCAL.

Happy Holidays, Satisfactory Festivus, Merry Chrifsmas, etc to all. I’m off to do a bit of holiday baking. (Yes, really.)

Soundtrack: Paul Simon, Rhythm of the Saints
Irony Level: Quite Low, Actually, But Thanks For Asking


Orange Means Ogg-free?


No Flight Test Yet

CYYJ 281600Z 24003KT 12SM SCT008 BKN012 BKN027 OVC060 03/02 A3043 RMK SC3SC4SC1SC1 SLP306

Eight AM local. Not good weather at all. No wind, but low cloud all over the place.

CYYJ 281800Z 00000KT 10SM FEW006 BKN008 OVC012 03/03 A3038 RMK SF1SC6SC2 SLP287

Ten AM local. Even lower cloud, and the visibility is coming down.

METAR CYYJ 282100Z 00000KT 3SM -RA BR FEW006 BKN011 OVC015 04/04

Noon local. Even worse vis, rain, mist, even lower clouds. Fun. And to think that yesterday was bleedin’ gorgeous all day… Commercial Flight Test re-scheduled for Tuesday next week. Hopefully the weather co-operates by then!


Remembrance Day