
O’er The Hills..

…but not all that far away, really.

Spent a long weekend up at my folk’s place, including a great (long) dayhike up in the mountains. Haven’t been up in the alpine in ages, and it was great to get back, sunburn and bugbites notwithstanding.

Mountain Garden
A Lake! I Have A Lake!
Another Mountain Lake
High Cirrus

This was shot in Vancouver on the way up to my folks – it was originally 7 images, stitched together in Hugin.
Vancouver's Pacific Central Station Panorama


Street Market Shininess

Sidney Market Peppers & Tomatoes

So shiny, they look like plastic. So tasty, you’d think regular grocery store peppers were plastic. Oh, and very, very red.


Summer Flying

It really doesn’t get any better than this:

300NM 2003: Hope Airstrip II

Taken several years ago in Hope, BC, the nearest grass public airstrip. Hopefully this summer turns out just a good!


Speedtest Planet Meme

Everyone else is doing it, so here’s mine. Nice low ping, decent download speed, but wildly assymetrical Download vs Upload, even by the (low) standards of the ISP.