
Appreciating Ubuntu Even More

Want to learn to appreciate the power of a modern desktop Linux install? Spend a week at your folk’s place, swearing at your stepmother’s WinXP box. Shockingly crippled… how do Windows users victims put up with this crap? No integrated FTP or SSH in the file manager, text editor that doesn’t recognize and support HTML or PHP, no support for SVG, OGG, PNG or a host of other useful file formats… blergh.

I love visiting the folks, I’m actually glad it’s snowing so we can hopefully get a good cross-country ski in tomorrow, but getting back to a proper, fully-functional computer will be kind of nice!

By Brian Burger

Started this site way, way back in November 1998, when the web was young. It's still here, and so am I.

3 replies on “Appreciating Ubuntu Even More”

My “folks” need not one of the features you have listed. So, they can put up with Windows XP.

The advantage of moving relatives over to Ubuntu (one of these days I should blog about moving my grandmother to Ubuntu) is that when you visit and use their computer, you get a full-featured desktop too.

Besides, friends don’t let friends use Windows.

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