8-Bit NYC. This is why you open data, so that people can do very strange & awesome things with it.
Snow (1963). Trains, an English winter, and some experimental filmmaking. Very neat.
8-Bit NYC. This is why you open data, so that people can do very strange & awesome things with it.
Snow (1963). Trains, an English winter, and some experimental filmmaking. Very neat.
The survival into the modern era of random bits of the colonial/imperial era has always interested me.
Bagpipes are also kind of cool. When outdoors.
Thus, The Bagpipes of Palestine from the BBC. Amazing what survives against long odds, isn’t it?
"The flying saucer originally started as a proposal for a raiseable platform."
Ladies, gentlemen, and the rest of you: The British Rail Flying Saucer (via Wikipedia).
Yes, really.
(hat tip to Corey for the URL).
Tis the season, and all that…
The Big Picture started their 2009 Hubble Space Telescope Advent Calendar back on December 1st. (I’m of the opinion that the Hubble Space Telescope is the greatest public art project ever undertaken. The science is a bonus.)
The HP Lovecraft Historical Society does excellent mock-carols on Cthulhuish themes. Here’s a Youtube vid of Death To The World.
Bartender/blogger Jeffrey Morgenthaler has a excellent eggnog recipe. Easy, quick and yummy. Suggestion: cut the amount of sugar in the recipe in half; it’s still plenty sweet enough done that way. I’ll be doing this at a couple of Xmas parties in the next few weeks, as I did last year, and I’m sure it’ll be a hit all over again.
Oh, and December 25th is also Newtonmas (birthday of Isaac Newton), amongst other things.
Last year’s post on approximately the same theme.