
Two Rivers and a Gym (Dole to Suerre)

Nice easy ride today in good weather, with one minor route-finding error that saw us doing some minor trespassing along an active rail line for about a hundred metres before finding the road again and the marked bike route.

Aside from that it was the usual mix of canal paths, farm tracks and minor roads, with a lunch stop at a bar in a tiny village that did very good, cheap sandwiches.

Suerre is a very small place, a couple of thousand or so. No hostel, so our lodging was going to be une gymnase again, a community sports hall.

Turns out that the quite nice modern sports hall on one side of town was closed for renovating most of the summer, so we were in the old gymnase, an asphalt-floored, pigeon-haunted barn on the other side of town. Oh, and only cold water in the showers.

A few folks headed to the local camping bungalows or small hotel at the news of cold water showers; the rest of us stuck it out.

Dinner was picnic-style on the side of the canal, then it was back to the gymnase for some sleep, with some sort of kid’s concert in the adjacent schoolyard providing a soundtrack of sorts.

By Brian Burger

Started this site way, way back in November 1998, when the web was young. It's still here, and so am I.

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